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Nano formulations involve reducing substances to tiny particles, in this case, CBD and hemp in topical products. These tiny particles are significantly smaller than traditional formulations, allowing for better absorption and deeper penetration into the skin. In topical products, nano formulations of CBD and hemp can enhance their effectiveness by increasing their bioavailability, which means the body can absorb and utilize these compounds more efficiently. This can lead to quicker onset of relief and a more targeted, potent effect where it's needed, making them more effective in providing relief for various skin and muscle conditions.

Nano formulations in topical products, particularly involving CBD and hemp, have gained attention due to their potential advantages. When substances like CBD are broken down into nanoparticles, they have a greater surface area, allowing for improved skin penetration and enhanced bioavailability.

A study published in the European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (2018) highlighted the potential benefits of nanoemulsions in improving the skin permeation and absorption of cannabinoids like CBD. This suggests that nano formulations could offer more efficient delivery and potentially increased therapeutic effects in topical applications.

Another research article in the Journal of Controlled Release (2015) discussed the advantages of nanotechnology in drug delivery systems. It emphasized that nano-sized drug particles or carriers could provide enhanced permeation through the skin barrier, enabling targeted and sustained release of the active ingredients.

Nano-sized particles, due to their small size, offer the ability to more easily penetrate the skin's layers, reaching deeper tissues. This increased skin permeation might result in a quicker onset of action and potentially more potent effects with lower doses of the active ingredients. This technology has the potential to revolutionize topical products, allowing for more efficient delivery and utilization of therapeutic compounds like CBD and Hemp.

Nano CBD Bioavailability vs Traditional and Microemulsion CBD

Nano CBD Bioavailability

Hemp seed oil and CBD oil, while both derived from the hemp plant, offer distinct benefits in topical applications:


Hemp Seed Oil:


  • Skin Nutrition: Hemp seed oil is rich in omega fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins, making it excellent for moisturizing and nourishing the skin.

It's often used in skincare for its hydrating and soothing properties, promoting overall skin health.

  • Non-Psychoactive: Hemp seed oil doesn't contain CBD or THC, so it doesn't have the potential psychoactive effects associated with cannabinoids.

  • Anti-inflammatory Properties: It may help calm irritated skin and reduce inflammation, aiding in conditions like acne or eczema.

CBD Oil:


  • Targeted Relief: CBD oil contains cannabinoids that interact with the body's endocannabinoid system, potentially offering pain relief and reducing inflammation in specific areas when applied topically.

  • Analgesic Effects: Studies suggest CBD's potential to alleviate pain and discomfort, making it useful in managing conditions like arthritis or muscle soreness.

  • Potential for Skin Health: CBD's anti-inflammatory properties might assist in managing skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema, in addition to potentially regulating sebum production, aiding acne-prone skin.

While hemp seed oil primarily focuses on skin nutrition and hydration, CBD oil's key benefit in topicals is its potential for targeted relief and its interaction with the endocannabinoid system, offering anti-inflammatory and pain-relief properties. Combining both in a topical product might provide a comprehensive approach, addressing both skin health and specific therapeutic benefits.

Green Leaves


Looking for the Fastest Absorption & Highest Bioavailability? 

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